At Medical Tourism SA, our goal is to enable people from all over the world to take advantage of the outstanding medical care available in South Africa at highly affordable prices…..Read More

South Africa is one of the most popular destinations for medical tourism, boasting some of the best doctors and facilities in the world as well as many tourist attractions…..Read More

Medical tourism can be defined as the arrangement of a journey abroad for medical reasons. These might include undergoing a medical procedure in another country, or restoring/maintaining health in any other way. A main reason many people choose to engage in medical tourism is the lower cost ….Read More

South Africa is well-known for specialist medical procedures and treatments such as IVF, egg donation, cosmetic and plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, dentistry and stress management…..Read More
There is increased pressure on consumers worldwide to look good but the costs are also taxing and in the current economic climate where are some of the places to look good for less? Faith Cartwright, Founder & Director, Medical Tourism S.A joins CNBC Africa for more.